[ltp] Keeping Win2K during/after repartitioning a T20?

Robert A. Munro linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:13:30 -0800

Hi all, and apologies if this has already been asked/answered here:

Does anyone have guidance/gotchas for repartitioning a Thinkpad T20
that already has Windows 2000 Pro loaded - without losing the Win2K
partition?  Hints/warnings for using PartitionMagic 4.0 are needed.

The machine belongs to my employer, so messing with it such that a
complete reload of Win2K etc. plus reconfiguration is something I'd
_really_ prefer to avoid.  But I would like to repartition the hard
drive (~12GB with ~8.7GB free) to add Linux (and OS/2) for research.

I've used PartitionMagic before on other machines (a Dell notebook,
Thinkpad 770X, and self-built Athlon tower) and have seen the heart
stopping error messages, gotten around some situations, and lost my
Win98 system once.  Since NT/Win2K have nasty habits regarding hard
drive "ownership" and I'm not knowledgable about the Win2K details,
I'll greatly appreciate any experiences or pointers anyone can give.

Robert Munro
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