[ltp] IrDA (was Re: Can't go to sleep)

Dirk Husemann linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
25 Jan 2000 13:44:48 +0100

>>>>> "UB" == Uri Blumenthal <uri@watson.ibm.com> writes:

    >> From that point on, pressing "Fn-F12" faithfully puts the machine
    UB> to sleep (:-).

    UB> Now if somebody could help with getting the IR port to work... I'm
    UB> using SuSE-6.3 distribution with 2.2.13-SuSE kernel... Following 
    UB> the HOWTO didn't lead to solution...

Hmm, I'm using RH 6.1 and the IrDA stuff that came with it. What I found
out, though, is 

        (a)     that the IR code should be compiled as modules and not
                statically linked into the kernel

        (b)     the settings for the serial port and the IR port need some
                tweaking regarding the port numbers they use. I did this
                with the ps2.exe from a DOS disk

Currently it works on a TP770.


Dr. Dirk Husemann                Phone      +41 1 724 8573
IBM Research Division            FAX        +41 1 724 8953
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory   Email      hud@zurich.ibm.com
Saeumerstrasse 4                 WWW:       http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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