[ltp] TP240, SuSE 6.3, almost there...

Bud Rogers linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
25 Mar 2000 17:58:36 -0600

OK, I have SuSE 6.3 working on my 240.  Installation was not entirely
painless, but it went fairly well.  

X is working fine at 800x600 with the SVGA driver.  I found an XF86Config
that worked out of the box at


Thanks, peetz, whoever you are.  :}

I just got lilo set up.  It dual boots linux and win98 OK.  I was a little
nervous about that -- I learned a painful and embarrassing lesson with a
Compaq desktop and lilo.

Networking is not perfect yet, but pretty good.  If I ping another host it
pauses for a few seconds before it starts then pings normally, almost like
something has to time out first.  I'm still fiddling with the pcmcia setup.
Sound doesn't working yet, but that's not a priority for me.  I'll mess
with that another day.  Everything I care about is working pretty well now.

The next thing I would like to do is a system update from the SuSE ftp site
to pick up the latest bug fixes and security updates.  Well, you can't
update the base system while running the base system -- you have to boot
their install floppy for that.  I was not able to get networking up with
their install system, so I can't get on the LAN with it.  I have networking
in fairly decent shape now, but I can't update the system while it's
running.  Catch 22...

I need to figure out how to tweak the pcmcia/network settings while booting
their install floppy, or I need to figure out how to build an install
floppy using my kernel and settings.  Has anyone on the list gone through
that exercise?

Bud Rogers <budr@sirinet.net>  http://www.sirinet.net/~budr/zamm.html

Though all my neighbors are barbarians, and you are a thousand miles away,
there are always two cups on my table.
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