[ltp] Wireless Networking

Daniel Andor linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 10:26:58 -0500

> Under the Devices tab I was able to add a new device which I assigned to
> eth1. But eth1 is not assigned to any hardware device. Nonetheless,
> running iwconfig shows eth1 with some data about ESSID, Mode, etc This
> output shows Rx invalid nwid:0 invalid crypt:0 invalid misc:0. Does this
> suggest any possible problems?

Once iwconfig shows that you have a link to an AP (with Rate and
Frequency info), you still have to configure the IP layer.  I suspect
you need DHCP.  I don't know how how RedHat sets this up for wireless
devices, but have a look in network.opts.  in the meantime you could
try something like "pump -i eth1" or "dhclient eth1" or something like
that.  then run ifconfig.


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