[ltp] Which used Thinkpad?

Thomas Porter linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 19:59:34 -0500

On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 03:27:02PM -0800, Malcolm Dean thoughtfully expounded:
> Which is precisely why I asked for "sufficiently 'standardized' hardware."
> Does anyone have something substantial to contribute on this question?

I have been very happy with my thinkpad 600x: PIII 500mhz, 256 meg ram, 12 gig
HD, CD-ROM, dual booting WIN98SE and Red Hat 6.2 with all updates.

The most recent 2.2.19 kernels work very well with it, so long as you have
recent BIOS updates.  Alsa sound drivers with OSS emulation talk to the sound
chip OK.  PCMCIA works fine in support of a Xircom 10/100 ethernet-56KB combo
card, and IRDA works fine to talk to the IR port.

There are many sites on getting various distro's tweaked to run on these.


Tom Porter                                       txporter@mindspring.com
"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 
'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will 
the right answers come out?'  I am not able rightly to apprehend the 
kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

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