[ltp] Partition Editor (WAS: HELP..Installing RedHad 7.2 on a Thinkpad 600E)

Chris Merrill linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:10:35 -0500

Andrew Crawford said:
> There is an opensource utility called GNU Parted (for "Partition
> Editor.")  The user interface isn't particularly user friendly and there
> are fewer safeguards than Partition Magic to keep you from screwing up your
> system.  However, it does work.
>     http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/

I also recommend parted....I was mostly using PQMagic for this
task.  parted doesn't have a pretty GUI (text mode), but I found it
almost as easy to use.  They also have a nice little Linux boot
disk with parted and a few basic tools on it...very handy.
(it's available on the same website).

Chris Merrill

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