[ltp] External monitor (projector) and SVGA X server

Shigeo Tanai linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:06:17 +0900

At 01:53 01/02/10, Arcady Genkin wrote:
>Yesterday I attempted for the firtst time to hook up my TP 240 to a
>projector.  It didn't work uder X.  I would get image in console mode
>(so it's probably not a hardware problem), but nothing as soon as I go
>into graphical mode.  I tried Fun-F7 several times, but no luck...
>I'm using the SVGA X server with X (I think).

Turn on "extern_disp" option in your XF86Config file.
In 'Section "Device"', uncomment (or add) these if necessary:

	Option     "intern_disp"
	Option     "extern_disp"


PS	With above, I believe that same mode (sync rates, etc.)
	will be used to drive external display.  Since you're using
	internal LCD which is driven at relatively low sync rates,
	I don't think your projector has any trouble following it.
	(Correct me if I'm wrong.)

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