[ltp] ALSA-setup with TP770ED

Thomas Wimmer linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Mon, 05 Mar 2001 14:12:24 +0100


After fooling around a little bit with my partition tabel; i ended up
reinstalling linux on my thinkpad (SuSE 7.0).

Welll, works more or less smoothly - except the sound-bit.

I failed to made a backup of my /etc/ directory (mea culpa) and so I
have to reconfigure from memory (mine, not the computers').

On my previous linux-installation (which was more or less an exact
duplicate of this one - save for the fact that I now use reiserfs) I did
get the soundchip to work with ALSA (0.5.10b), but now I do encounter
the modules loads fine (no errors) and I do hear some clicks as the
hardware apparently initialize itself. But the thing is I can't hear
anything. (And yes, I _did_ turn up and unmute all channels).

I do use the following settings in /etc/conf.modules:
alias char-major-14      soundcore
alias char-major-116     snd
alias sound-slot-0       snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0  snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1  snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3  snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8  snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
alias snd-card-0         snd-card-cs4232
options snd-card-cs4232 snd_port=0x530 snd_cport=0x538 snd_mpu_port=-1
snd_fm_port=0x388 snd_irq=5 snd_dma1=0 snd_dma2=1 snd_dma1_size=4
post-install snd amixer set PCM 100% unmute; amixer set Aux,1 100%
unmute; amixer set 'Input Gain' 100% unmute; amixer set 'Digital
Loopback' 100% unmute; amixer set 'Mono' 100% unmute

Another thing I noticed is that the "playing" of a sondfile (with no
audible output as explained above) does thake _very_ long (compared to
the time it should play normally).

I did glance the following values from the Windows95 control-panel:
Audio System CODEC:
	I/O 530-537
	IRQ 5
	DMA 1

Audio Systen Conbtrol Register:
	I/O 538-53F

MPU 4-1

Can anyone shed some light on this issue or post their config if they do
use ALSA (I did chose alsa because it is far superior during apm-calls).

Thomas Wimmer       |  Landing Instructions Made Easy:
thomas@wimmer.net   |  "fly towards the ground until you're
Wiesloch, Germany   |   not in the sky anymore."

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