[thinkpad] [ltp] T23 with arm soft modem

JC WOODWARD linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 08:28:01 -0500

>From: "zongliang li" <lizl@ict.ac.cn>
>Subject: [thinkpad] [ltp] T23 with arm soft modem

>I have get a Thinkpad T23 a few days ago.
>but only returns that arm modem is not supported by ltmodem drivers.

See Thomas Hood's extensive website on the Thinkpad 600 & 600X


and scroll down to the "Modem" section.  There you'll see a link next to my name
which yields my step-by-step instructions on installing the drivers for the
Lucent LTModem.  Yours is a different Thinkpad model but has the same modem
inside, as I understand it.


JC Woodward

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