[ltp] T22 and the hidden partition

James Hawtin linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Fri, 3 May 2002 16:16:43 +0000 (GMT)

Record the partition table information about the partition, dd the whole
partition into a file.... compress and burn the file onto a cd.

If you need to use it for restore....

recreate the partion uncompress and dd it back :-)

It will not work if you just copy it onto a CD, while you could build all
the information into isofs, you would have to create a boot image for the
cd, (you get up to a 2.88 meg for that) this would have to duplicate what
the bootsector on that partition did. The image would then have to
understand how to talk to the Hard disk etc etc. (hard)

Plan B

Forget about the recovery image go to ibms website and download all the
drives, then use a REAL install disk for winblows

Plan C

Do a recovery install to a partition, then before you do anything else
dd that image off and store it compressed on a cdrom. You might want to
blank the partion your abour to restore TO with dd if=/dev/zero before
doing it. This will mean your dd will compress alot better as it will not
have any junk in it.

Plan D

Get IBM to send you a real CDrom of it.


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