[ltp] Reliable Suspend/Resume (Was:Filesystem choice?)

Paul Timmins linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
06 Nov 2002 11:01:35 -0500

Redisafe suspends to disk, then suspends to RAM. If the battery dies, or
the hardware doesn't recover on a normal resume from RAM, take out the
battery (or restart it, or whatever your TP happens to like) and it will
treat it as a resume from disk, and come back from it accordingly.

On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 10:48, Richard wrote:
> > reliably. There has been *no* change in the software setup or BIOS. The
> > only change has been that I now use "redisafe" (set in the BIOS) when
> > suspending which takes slightly longer but if it means a reliable
> > resume/suspend cycle...its MORE than worth it.
> Just to clarify, isn't redisafe something to do with suspend to disk, as
> opposed to suspend to RAM? Can you explain what it does?
> Richard
> -- 
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Paul Timmins
paul@timmins.net / http://www.timmins.net/
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