can not open /dev/thinkpad WAS: Re: [ltp] Serial port on Thinkpad 600x (Mandrake 9.0)

Thomas Hood
15 Oct 2002 09:54:35 +0200

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 06:46, Rob Walker wrote:
> Well, since someone else was able to get their serial port working on a
> 600X, and Thomas has been seen lately in these parts.....
> root cannot open /dev/thinkpad .  I also would like to use my serial
> port under linux.  Here is some of the debugging I did within the last
> 10 minutes.
> tp600x:/proc/driver/thinkpad# lsmod | grep smapi
> smapi                   2864   0  (unused)
> thinkpad                2548   0  (autoclean) [smapi]
> from the end of "strace tcpctl --rsx"

Without the rtcmosram module, you cannot use the --r* options.

You have made me realize that tpctl's error messages 
can be misleading as well as obscure.  :(


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