[ltp] TP600X RH7.2 serial port locations?

Gerard van Winssen linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 21:50:04 +0100

Op woensdag 5 februari 2003 14:46, schreef Ross Patterson:

> The only problem is that for the life of me I can't figure out what the
> proper device name ("/dev/something_or_other") is for the DB9 serial
> connector on the back of the laptop! 

I use Jpilot for the connection with my Visor.
Jpilot is A syncing program.
If you don't have it, find it , and install it. (http://jpilot.org)
Read the docs.
In file -> preferences -> settings you schould type the serial port;
/dev/ttyS0 is the same as com1
/dev/ttyS1 is the same as com2
/dev/ttyS2 = com3
/dev/ttyS3 = com4

If you don't know wich one it is, try them all.

Let us know your successtory ;-)

Gerard van Winssen

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