[ltp] tpctl --rsx "(error)" meaning?

Thomas Hood linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
14 Feb 2003 16:22:40 +0100

On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 19:54, Ross Patterson wrote:
> Anybody know what the "(error)" below means?  I've read the tpctl source, and 
> it apparently comes from APM, but I'm not about to go read the APM BIOS 
> source :-)
> 	# tpctl --rsx
> 	resource state:                        ioaddr irq#   able? mode/power
> 	   serial port 1:                       0x0   IRQ0 disable (error)
> 	   serial port 2:                       0x0   IRQ0 disable

It means that the APM firmware reported an error when tpctl
queried the power status of the serial port #1.  This is usually
because the port was disabled using PS2.EXE.

What I suggest is that the serial port be enabled using PS2.EXE.
The port can be disabled using setpnp or tpctl after boot if you
want to save resources; then you won't get an error code from the
APM BIOS when you query its status.
Thomas Hood <jdthood2@yahoo.co.uk>

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