[ltp] Linux extractable BIOS diskette for T30

Bjorn Knutsson linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 00:55:24 -0500

On 15 Jan 2003 18:24, Pam Huntley wrote:
> Hi,
> You all might find this cool:
> http://www.pc.ibm.com/qtechinfo/MIGR-45745.html?lang=en_US&page=brand&brand=IBM+ThinkPad%7CThinkPad+T30%7C2366%7C52U&doctype=Hot+news&subtype=Cat
> It's the bios update diskette, only it's a self-extracting .sh file
> specifically for Linux.  :-)
> Please let me know if you have any problems with it - this is the first one
> that we've put up there.  We'll be working on the other ThinkPad models
> throughout the next couple of months....

Nice. I guess extracting a disk image and putting it on a floppy isn't
exactly rocket science, but it does give me a warm and fuzzy feeling
to see IBM supporting Linux on their laptops like this, even if it
doesn't happen to be the exact model I have.

I was also happy to hear from Tim Roberts that IBM was sending him a
ThinkPad to allow him to figure out some of the issues with the
Savage-driver for XFree86 needed by many Thinkpads, including my own

Now, how about getting Thomas Hood some real documentation, and
possibly also a small pile of cash, to allow him to improve tpctl to
the point where booting into DOS to run PS2 is just a bad memory?
