[ltp] Good printer for R32 Thinkpad running Debian 'testing'?

Anonymous Coward linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 09:24:13 +0100

Am Freitag, 21. November 2003 02:13 schrieb Mitch Maltenfort 
mmalten-at-comcast.net |Linux-Thinkpad|:
> I was planning to take advantage of expected pre- or post-Xmas sales and
> get a printer.
> My needs are modest. Text and some line art.
> Can anyone recommend a printer which is known to work well with IBM
> Thinkpads (R32 specifically) and Debian ('testing') distro?
> Thanks in advance!
> Mitch
linuxprinting.org has a list of recommended printers that work well with 
Linux. I bought the Epson Stylus C82 because of their recommendation and I'm 
quite happy with, it works perfectly under Linux. The site has a lot of 
information about printers and drivers, a "must read" for any linux printer 
owners imho.


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-- Midori Koto