[linux-laptop] [ltp] TP 600e, NEOMAGIC FrameBuffer and bootup

Fernando Álvarez-Uría linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 05:07:13 +0200

Just add or modify your /boot/grub/grub.conf (if you are using grub) 
whith "vga=791" option (without quotes).

S. Anthony Sequeira wrote:

>I have a kernel with framebuffer enabled, which boots up into a 1024x768
>console on my Thinkpad 600E.  This is fine, but, the Penguin Logo is
>comes up in a reverse video 640x480 box pinned to the upper left corner
>of the console.  The kernel bootup messages start up directly after this
>bo, and it look pretty ugly.
>Has anyone seen this?  If so is there a solution?  Does it involve using
>a 1024x768 logo?