[ltp] Thinkpad recovery WinXP working in VMWare

Nick Bower linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 22:35:39 +0100

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I'd just like to say that I did this;


to make an XP boot CD, then installed it inside VMWare.  I used the
license key in the IBM unattend file as suggested during the install and
did not register XP during the boot sequence.  I was pretty happy.

Note that I don't run WinXP natively had had never registered my version
of XP before so didn't feel that I was doing anything illegal - I'm
still only running a single version of XP that I believe I paid for.

However a day later after the initial install, I received a message that
I had 30 days left to register XP (this does not happen usually booting
natively).  I can only guess that MS somehow remotely deactivated the
key because it was an IBM key and I am running under VMWare.  So I went
into the registration sequence and used the second product key number on
the sticker on my machine this time - worked absolutely no problems
(which was unexpected as it definitely does not work on a retail image).

HTH, Nick

Nick Bower <nick@nickbower.com>

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