[ltp] Kobil PCMCIA Reader B1

Ronald Hitz linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 22:18:45 +0100

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I installed the Kobil PCMCIA Reader B1 for my HBCI bank account.
under Debian sarge/sid

For my program moneyplex libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 is necessary, which is
a little bit older, normally woody or so.

For the pcmcia-slot you need some modules:
serial_cs, ds, yenta_socket, pcmcia_core, 8250_pci, 8250

The driver for the card-reader itself you get from kobil.com, or
On this  site You'll find a link to kobil under 5.5,
where a problem about SuSE 9.0 is discussed.

On kobil.de on the download section is a driver-package for Linux from
05.08.2004. : ct-linux.zip.

This is what You need.

unzip it , maybe in your moneyplex-directory and follow the instruction
under readme.txt

dmesg tells, which port is claimed by the pcmcia-card.
In Your home dir You'll get, when You've tried to reach the card with
the cardping tool in the ct-linux/tool -dir , a file : .CT_devices

This You have to edit, if it doesn't fit to Your claimed pcmcia-port.

When cardping is successful, You'll start moneyplex and add port and the
place with full path of the driver, libct.so in the authentication
window; test it.
If successful, You're done.

I write this down for the next one, who had not compiled, as me, the=20
serial_cs module in the kernel-config.


Ronald Hitz

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