[ltp] Memory choice for Thinkpad R51

Bertrand Njipwo Kouatchet linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:21:44 +0100 (MET)

Hallo to every one,

i need your help and your opinion. I have the following problem.

I intend to buy a 1024 MB for My Thinkpad R51. I already have a DDR-RAM of
512 MB. I have found out im internet 2 types of Memories.

	1) - 1024 MB DDR-RAM from Kingston  for 150 Euros
	2) - 1024 MB DDR-RAM from MDT for 110 Euros.

I can not decide my self. The second alternative seem to be nice with the
price but only for a diferent manufacturer. The second one is the most use
in IMB-Thinkpad notebooks and seems to be from good quality.

If the 2 products have the same quality the its then better to buy the
second one. But on the other side i spend up to 110 Euros i'll need
something of good quality.

Please i need your help hier to make a choise.

Thank in advance.

Bests regards
