[ltp] Thinkpad T23 Battery

Martin Steigerwald linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 17:54:17 +0100

Am Samstag, 22. Januar 2005 23:40 schrieb Uwe Walter:
> Hi Martin.
> On Sa, 2005-01-22 at 09:44 +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > The author explains that each recharge cycle, even when it
> > only recharges a few percent of capacity, counts as a full recharge
> > cycle.
> Sorry, but you remember wrong.

Hello Uwe,

how do you actually happen to know this? Did you write this article? If 
yes, OK, then I remember wrong.

Currently I am quite sure that the article author stated that each 
recharge cycle counts as a full recharge cycle on li-ion batteries. 

Anyway, I am not going to take the time to prove my words right now, cause 
the issue of the c't magazine I meant is not where I am at the moment (I 
moved to a different location).

That said I do not claim that the author writes the truth. Frankly, I do 
not know. I just wrote what I remember from this article. And on this 
part I am quite sure, that my memory is correct.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de