[ltp] Can't come out of ACPI sleep - system freeze

Tomek Jarzynka linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 30 Jan 2005 22:15:12 +0100

A very strange thing began to happen - when issuing=20
echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep the system enters the suspend
mode, but pressing Fn to wake it up only causes the
backlight to come up. Syslog is mute, I can't reboot
with keyboard strokes, the suspend LED doesn't go off.
Once in a few tries the system will resume briefly and
then immediately go to sleep again.

I don't know at which point this began to occur.
I am sure that upgrading to 2.6.11-rc2 (trackpoint,
radeonstuff, supermount patches) was fine. Killing X
and trying to suspend from console doesn't help.

Perhaps someone has had a similar issue or is an ACPI
guru to tell me what I can do to debug this?

I have upgraded the tiling patches from version 8 to 10,
but restoring the old radeon and drm modules and killing
X doesn't seem to help. I've also installed fbsplash but,
if I recall correctly, suspend worked afterwards.

I don't remember what else could have caused this.

Damn :|

PS. I have a T40.
tomasz k. jarzynka / 601 706 601 / tomee(a-t)kadu(d-o-t)net

"Dla niekt=F3rych ludzi wiara jest jedynym powodem aby by=E6 przyzwoitym
cz=B3owiekiem. (Anonim)"