[ltp] What to do if I suspect I've got a lemon T60?

Whil Hentzen linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 06 Aug 2006 15:15:52 -0500

> Back to the topic, Whil, if you have support, I'd call IBM and see
> what they make of it.  We've called in machines that crash

Nope, I don't. Just a guy working out of his house who bought a box from 
PC Connection like he does every coupla years.

> inexplicably and they've gone through their process and then sent out
> a tech with a new motherboard or whatever.  If you don't have support,
> maybe you should try to get a replacement from wherever you bought it.
> If you didn't delete the hidden partition on the disk, you should be
> able to restore the factory Windows installation easily enough.

I did a custom install so everything is gone. It's terribly disingenious 
of the mfgr to refuse to provide any sort of off-disk repair facility, 
but they can get away with it, so they do.

It fries me to think that they won't diagnose/fix the box regardless of 
whether there's an OS on it or not, much less the OS that came with. 
Sort of like a car mfgr saying that they will only repair the car if you 
buy your gas from Exxon.
