[ltp] pcmcia wireless card for T23

Nate Bargmann linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 16 Feb 2006 05:47:48 -0600

* Paul Kimoto <kimoto@lightlink.com> [2006 Feb 16 01:12 -0600]:

> If you want a A+G Atheros cardbus device, the 3Com 3CRWE154A72 is cheaper.
> Also there is the more expensive 3CRPAG175, which has a clever antenna
> design.  

Technically, the WPC55AG is a Cardbus card, but I don't always remember
that distinction.  :-)

> I have used both with my T23.  I've never seen them at a store (the nearby
> selection is lousy, though) and got them through the mail.

I bought mine new from eBay for less than the online stores.  The local
stores typically carry low-end stuff.  I see that Walmart is now
carrying the WRT54G, but I can't tell if it's the Linux version or the
new one.

- Nate >>

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