[ltp] Fwd: Working 3D acceleration on IBM ThinkPad T23 ;-)

A. A. linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 3 Jan 2006 09:51:43 +0100

Is it possible to make 3D that way in my T23 with Slackware current 
installed ?

<<<<<<<<Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

This is working splendidly on both my T23 and T42 (with the Radeon
snapshot)  With glxgears full screen I am now getting 34 FPS on the T23
and 107 FPS on the T42.  Both are marked improvements.  I notice that
with udev and the stock Debian 2.6.14 kernel (Sid) starting Xorg 6.9
automatically loads the savage and drm modules on the T23 and the
radeon and drm modules on the T42.

I did have a small glitch on the T23.  After moving the savage_dri.so
module into place and restarting X, glxgears immediately segfaulted as
did glxinfo.  the Xorg log file showed no loading errors, so I rebooted
and the problem went away.

For each machine I simply created the dri directory in the X modules
directory and copied the *_dri.so file over from the downloaded
archive.  Easy as that.

- Nate >>

(Did I say thanks? :-)

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