[ltp] T60 Preview (No!!!! Not Windows Buttons!!! Take Them Away!!!!)

André Wyrwa linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 07 Jan 2006 10:23:02 +0100

Hash: SHA1

Michelle Klein-Hass wrote:
> On Friday 06 January 2006 06:30 pm, Aaron Mulder wrote:
>> http://www.anandtech.com/mobile/showdoc.aspx?i=2663&p=15
>> On the up side, they use the fastest dual-core chip and the battery
>> life is still outstanding.  On the down side, they dropped the
>> parallel port and *still* couldn't find the real estate for a DVI
>> connector, and, well, see the subject line.  :)
> Oh I don't know...I wouldn't refuse it if someone offered it to me for free.
> However, the Z-series with its awesome widescreen format is really pretty hot 
> and tempting. I actually played around with one at CompUSA and it strikes me 
> as being in the grand tradition of ThinkPads from Big Blue. The early reports 
> of fragility were wrong...it seems very solid to me.

I just had a short look at them and they looked ugly to me...clumsy and
boring. I believe that they are solid etc., but what concerns me the
most about Lenovo is that their whole design goes mainstream.

"All in all the Thinkpad T60 was pretty much what we have come to expect
from IBM, which is good to know since it is now manufactured by Lenovo."

And exactly that is the problem. Look at the last releases of IBM
notebooks which always had something you didn't expect... T2x series
introduced the UltraPort, T23 introduced ESS and UltraBay Plus, T30
introduced UltraNav and PreDesktop Area, T4x introduced APS, T42
introduced Fingerprint Reader. T60 introduced......ahh yes, the Fn-F2
combination for locking the screen.

What happens to IBMs long tradition of being the most innovative
notebook manufacturer? I'm not talking about adoption of new
technologies like newest processors, drives, memory, chipset and stuff.
I'm talking about that at IBM after all that someone always thaught "So,
what else can we do?".

And what did already happen to the destinctive design? I mean look at
this new T-Series and tell me how much optical difference is there left
to a Dell from 1 or 2 years ago?

I believe that they are still good notebooks, but I'm very disappointed
from Lenovos attitude...it's a follow the market one, whereas IBM always
lead the market - technology-wise.


PS: Besides...who had the stupid idea of placing a VGA-port in the
middle of the left side? Why not just place it on the front next time?
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