[ltp] poor battery-life on X60T

Sascha Heid linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 07 Feb 2007 22:36:07 +0100

Am Mittwoch, den 07.02.2007, 20:01 +0800 schrieb Luming Yu:
> In idle, you need to check if C-state works correctly.

Its basically always at C2, it seems to jump to C3 very often when im
idling at console but comes back to C2 right away (as far as i can tell
from doing cat /proc/acpi/.....). 

And something else:
While the Bus-Master-Activity of CPU0 is varying according to the
CPU-Load, the Bus-Master-Activity of CPU1 is always way up (ffffffff
almost always).

Thx for all the help btw., this is a great List.
