[ltp] xorg and intel driver

Takis Diakoumis linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 08 Jul 2007 12:39:21 +1000


my recent upgrade of xorg to 7.2 with the new and renamed 'intel' driver
(from i810) appears to have removed some of the options i previously
applied to the device settings. as a result i can no longer 'just plug
in' my vga cable and get the display cloned to an external
monitor/projector. i never really used the Fn-F7 video switch as i never
really needed it since the external display was 'always' available. 
my xorg settings for the device are below:

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics
	Driver		"i810"
	Option 		"VideoOverlay" "on"
	Option          "VBERestore" "true"
	BusID		"PCI:0:2:0"
        Option          "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP"
        Option          "DevicePresence" "true"
        Option          "DRI" "true"
        Option          "Clone" "true"
        Screen          0

now the driver reports:
(WW) intel(0): Option "VideoOverlay" is not used
(WW) intel(0): Option "VBERestore" is not used
(WW) intel(0): Option "MonitorLayout" is not used
(WW) intel(0): Option "DevicePresence" is not used
(WW) intel(0): Option "Clone" is not used

and i can't get the external device working without a reboot.

would there be some workaround for this, perhaps some 'new' setting i'm
missing with the driver?? i did check man intel but there doesn't seem
to be much there in relation to this (or i could have missed something

any suggestions would be appreciated.
