[ltp] Re: T61 with X3100 Video Card Problems Ubuntu

David Bremner linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:28:37 +0100

> The screen of the T61 is a  1280X800. The external  monitor is
> a 19 inches  westinghouse L2046NV , that is  capable of 1400x 1050.
> # And the result of xrandr -q
> VGA connected 1280x800+1280+0 (normal left inverted right) 0mm x 0mm
>  1400x1050@75   75.0
>  1400x1050@60   60.0

what happens if you try

% xrandr --output VGA --mode 1400x1050@75