[ltp] knetworkmanager failing for non-root (SuSE 10.2, KDE)

Joerg Bruehe linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:09:24 +0200

Dear all,

I'm not sure whether the following problem is specific to a Thinkpad, 
but I hope some of you might have info which helps me solve it.

And yes, I used Google and found some info mentioning my symptom, but no 
hint which really solved it - all I found seems to be applied already.

On my Thinkpad R51, I run SuSE 10.2 and use KDE.

All is fine (for my needs), including networking via cable.

What does *not* work for me is "knetworkmanager":
In the task bar, it displays a plug outside the socket, and this is 
accompanied by a tiny white "x" in a red field.
When I click its icon, the popup contains the German equivalent of "no 
network device found".

However, I know the hardware is available, and it works when I access it 
as "root" and also when I boot SuSE 9.3

It seems to be a permission issue: When I terminate "knetworkmanager" 
and restart it manually, I get a message
       Error requesting name, org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied:
       Connection ":1.34" is not allowed to own the service
       "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies
       in the configuration file
However, the configuration file looks ok to me.

The configuration file "knetworkmanager.conf" looks ok to me, especially 
it contains an entry that allows using it for console users:
         <policy at_console="true">
                 <allow own="org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo"/>

When installing software, I am quite selective and tend to de-select 
components of which I do not assume to need them, unless the RPM 
dependency check tell me to install even those components.

Google searching mentioned a module "pam-console" that might be needed, 
but SuSE 10.2 does not contain it.
What I have installed (and looks related) is this list:
   ~> rpm -qa | sort | egrep 'pam[^a]|hal|dbus|Network'

So could those of you for who "knetworkmanager" works, especially if 
they use SuSE, please send me a list of the relevant modules they have 
installed, or give other hints if they have any ?

Regards and thanks,

Joerg Bruehe  - persoenliche Aeusserung / speaking only for himself