[ltp] battery trouble

Hendrik-Jan Heins linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 1 Aug 2008 16:40:55 +0200


I have a battery dat seems to have suddenly stopped working.
(as in: it worked 30 minutes ago and it just now stopped working
completely while not fully onloaded).
The battery led blinks quickly orange and the battery is not being loaded.

Here are the status numbers:

# cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info
present:                 yes
design capacity:         28800 mWh
last full capacity:      25300 mWh
battery technology:      rechargeable
design voltage:          14400 mV
design capacity warning: 1265 mWh
design capacity low:     200 mWh
capacity granularity 1:  1 mWh
capacity granularity 2:  1 mWh
model number:            42T5266
serial number:             791
battery type:            LION
OEM info:                LGC

# cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present:                 yes
capacity state:          ok
charging state:          charged
present rate:            0 mW
remaining capacity:      11900 mWh
present voltage:         15349 mV

Is there some way to reset the battery or otherwise fix it?
