[ltp] iwl4965, Hardy x86_64, and frustration (long)

John Jason Jordan linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 8 May 2008 08:51:43 -0700

On Thu, 8 May 2008 4:31:34 -0700
<bhaskins@chartermi.net> dijo:

> > If someone has the 4965agn working without a problem in 64-but Hardy, I
> > would appreciate any insights you can offer.

> Have you tried this:
> iwconfig will give you the name of your wireless.
> Then try dhclient (name of wireless).
> If it is already running it will give you a pid so do
> "kill (that pid)" and then dhclient (name of wireless).
> This works for me if I lose my DHCP.

Thanks for the suggestion. It sounds good. I have saved it in my
"Cheatsheet" file - a plain text file that I can open with anything and
where I save instructions that I know sometime I will need. Next time I
am at the university and lose my DHCP lease I will surely try it.

It is now morning and my head is working better. It occurs to me that
there might be a later driver than what I am using. However, I don't
know how to find out what driver I have or what the latest version is.
If I do "lsmod" it just gives me "iwl4965." Is there a way to get lsmod
to tell me more details, or a different command that will tell me what
version I have?