[ltp] intel GM965 rescales 1024 to 1280 on LVDS on a T61

Marius Gedminas linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 8 May 2008 21:30:05 +0300

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On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 10:27:58AM +0200, U Kuehn wrote:
> There should be a BIOS option for the display called "HW expansion".

Do you have an Intel-based ThinkPad with a BIOS that has this option?
My T61 doesn't.  (Although I haven't upgraded to the latest 2.11 version
of the BIOS -- but the changelog on lenovo.com doesn't mention anything
related to Intel video or screen expansion.)

> Maybe you have it turned on? Do you get the very initial screens of
> GRUB/LILO and the linux kernel before a framebuffer kicks in in full
> size, or only a small middle portion of the screen? The former would
> hint to enabled hw expansion...

Yes, it's hw expansion, and it works in text mode as well (which is IMGO
extremely stupid for a widescreen laptop, but there you have it).

Marius Gedminas
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