[ltp] X200 ... opinions

Rex Tsai linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 16 Mar 2009 18:05:08 +0800

Hi, all

  I also owned a Thinkpad X600, 7458-RY9, installed with 4G memory. And
the OS is Debian GNU/Linux Sid.

  It seems many of you have Debian Sid running without problems.
However, I encountered one problem. The system froze every 2nd time
resume from suspend-to-ram (S3) mode.

  The first time, it always can resume successfully once I turn on the
lid. But at second time after I press the power button, the system turn
on and off HD led, the moon led turns off. And nothing happens, it's
apparently did not wakeup the OS.

  So, I wonder that's something related to BIOS/ACPI. I did not see any
one report this kind of issue on the Internet. So, if your system runs
well, can you share with me your OS settings ? Like kernel version?

  Mime is 2.6.28, and BISO version is 6DET38WW (2.02) 12/19/2008.
