Alsa & suspend...
Rob Mayoff
Wed, 4 Aug 1999 10:03:57 -0500 (CDT)
| Does someone have an idea?
You need apmd 3.0beta8 or later, so it can run a script on APM events.
Here's my script. You'll probably have to change at least the first line
to use bash, unless you have ksh installed. You also need to either
install tpctl, or remove the part of the script that relies on it.
logger "apmd_proxy: $*"
case "$*" in
cardctl eject & # may take a moment
lsof -t /dev/{audio,dsp,midi,mixer,music,sequencer,sndstat} | xargs kill
sleep 1
rmmod -s cs4232
rmmod -s ad1848 uart401
rmmod -s sound
rmmod -s soundcore
wait # for cardctl
lid="$(/usr/local/bin/tpctl --is | grep Lid)"
case "$lid" in
# Lid is closed - possibly unsafe to resume if X is running.
# Try to dodge the problem.
chvt 1
cardctl insert
modprobe sound
exit 0