tpctl version 0.3.2
Thomas Wimmer
Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:53:51 +0200
"J.d.thomas Hood" schrieb:
> I should say, please tell me *whether* you have any problems.
> I'd like to know either way! :-)
0.3.4-rpm still segfaults on me (SuSE 6.1, kernel 2.2.10)
Anyway, I did a "rpm --rebuild tpctl-0.3.4-1.src.rpm" and put the
resulting rpm (tpctl-0.3.4-1.SuSE.i386.rpm) on my ftp:
Apart from that everything works fine.
Thomas Wimmer | When you're in a fight with an idiot, | its difficult for other people
Stuttgart, Germany | to tell which one the idiot is.