Need feed back please.
Reno, Bob
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 08:56:49 -0400
It worked great for me! The TTF support also was a snap!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Mair []
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 8:46 AM
Subject: Need feed back please.
More than 70 people have now downloaded the updated
XServer (with TTF & DGA).
Did it workout alright ? Comments ? Problems ?
I´ve also managed to get my Epson GT5500 scanner working
with my Adaptec SlimSCSI card. Might just put a piccy of me
on the page now....
I´ve revamped the pages, and will try and add more
information from the discussions here as time progresses.
Does anyone have tips / tricks that they would like to share with me
so that I can put them on the site ?