sound on a 770X
David Lomas
Tue, 25 May 1999 13:04:38 +0100
I've worked through most of the bits and pieces getting redhat 6.0 to
work on the TP770X (13.7"). I've got XFree86 working, and I've
recompiled a kernel (2.2.9) to try and get sound working. I can get as
far as running sndconfig and selecting the CS423x driver, but I've no
idea what any of the IO, IRQ, DMA, etc. setting are that it needs. Do
these take standard values? I've disabled 'Quick-boot' in the BIOS setup
to get the BIOS to configure the hardware, but I still don't know how to
get at the values it used. I do have Win95 on the machine, but sadly, it
comes as a company standard image which has had Device Manager removed.
Is there any other utility or method for getting the correct settings?
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