[ltp] OT: misc. Thinkpad questions

Black, Chris linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 20:26:33 -0400

I'm using a 770Z with 256 ram, so they must offer some sort of memory
upgrade for them.

As to video, in Linux, anyways, the 770Z can only do 1280x1024, and, umm, I
believe 1024x768 although I've only gotten 1280x1024 to work.

Now if I could only get the 3.3.5 version of X to run on it. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Monfera [mailto:monfera@fisec.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 2:10 PM
To: linux-thinkpad@bm-soft.com
Subject: [ltp] OT: misc. Thinkpad questions

OK, this is only slightly related to Linux - I need to use primarily
Linux, but also W98 on my next laptop.  After a lot of browsing, I found
this maillist the most lively, and hope someone can help me with some

- Has someone got experiences with the video capture feature (either
operating system)?  I plan to capture Hi8 tapes without loss of quality,
so I am shooting for about 25-30 fps @ 640x480, converted to MPEG (so
that it takes little space).

- Do you know about some upcoming Thinkpad 770 upgrade?  I suspect
something will happen, as they do not even offer 400MHz processors
(funny - even the TP 600 has them) or the 25GB HD's or 256MB memory
modules (even Dell has them) for the current model.

Is there a better forum to ask these questions?

Thanks very much,
Robert Monfera
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