[ltp] iSeries, Hibernation, ACPI

Georg C. F. Greve linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
30 Oct 1999 16:25:28 +0100

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 || On 28 Oct 1999 23:48:27 +0200
 || mayoff@dqd.com (Rob Mayoff) wrote: 

 rm> | Hibernation:
 rm> |   My thinkpad seems to be incapable of entering hibernation (also
 rm> |   [ ... ]
 rm> |   machine will not enter hibernation if I press Fn-F12 as it does
 rm> |   under Windoze.

 rm> I haven't tried using hibernation.  Is sleep mode unsatisfactory?  I
 rm> find that sleep mode (Fn-F4) is acceptable for me.  It uses about 1%
 rm> battery per hour on my 770Z, and it's a lot faster than hibernation.

Unfortunately on my machine sleep mode kills the battery in about 6
hrs, which is only a little better than twice the normal lifetime of
the battery. Definitely not satisfactory.

 || On 29 Oct 1999 03:00:14 +0200
 || wscott@ichips.intel.com (Wayne Scott) wrote: 

 >> | ACPI:
 >> |   Kind of related to the hibernation problem above. My online manual
 >> |   [ ... ]
 >> |   there some other reason itīs not included yet?
 >> ACPI is a standard intended to replace APM (power management).  I don't
 >> think Linux supports this yet.  There's probably experimental drivers
 >> available for it, though.

 ws> [ ... ]
 ws> this is the start of a project.  Their current patches can recognize a
 ws> ACPI machine and turn it off.  :)

I took a look at their page, thanks. Although it seems it will still
be quite a while until it can be used in some way... although itīd be
interesting if that helped the problem.

But it seems that my problem is still not solved. Iīve heard now that
the 770 apparently also doesnīt hibernate - what about the 600? Did
they really get it "Linux-certified" without hibernation??? 

Is there anyone from IBM on this list or does anyone have direct
contact to them? I would really like to get this working somehow but
it seems to be impossible without a little more information...


Georg C. F. Greve <greve@gnu.org>
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