[ltp] Linux on TP240
Albert F. McGirt
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 09:08:04 -0600 (MDT)
Forgot to mention the modem. The built-in modem is evidently a WinModem so it is not supported by Linux. However, my Hayes Optima 56K PCMCIA modem installed and worked just fine with Linux PPP.
----- Frank McGirt, Placitas, NM -----
email: fmcgirt@swcp.com, frank@mcgirt.com
fax: 505-771-1218
On 23 Sep 1999 09:15:50 GMT, Harald Milz <hm@suse.de> wrote:
> In article <199908272110.PAA29438@kitsune.swcp.com>, Albert F. McGirt <fmcgirt@swcp.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully installed Linux on a ThinkPad 240? Any gotchas?
>> Suggestions?
> What's the video chipset BTW? The IBM pages don't mention anything.
> --
> Harald Milz phone +49 (0) 89 42769-0
> SuSE Muenchen GmbH fax +49 (0) 89 4201-7701
> Stahlgruberring 28, D-81829 Muenchen email hm@suse.de
> http://www.suse.de/ (Deutsch) http://www.suse.com/ (English)