[ltp] Linux on an i1460

Anand Desai linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 01:45:21 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] José Antonio Milke G. wrote:

> Thanks for replying Rob. I'll do that, and then figure out how to install X?

Yes, I'd recommend installing in text mode.  If you can't get Red Hat to
work, get SuSE's install boot diskettes (which use text mode) from the
Internet and see if the machine will at least work in text mode with them
(then you know if it will work without having to buy the CD's first.)

If you have trouble finding the disk images on the internet, I can email
them to you.

Installing X isn't hard (usually.)  You just choose the appropriate 
packages from your distribution (usually they're in the default selection
already), run a short program where you specify your hardware, and type
"startx".  The desktop, menus, etc. are  already set up; you can change
them later but you don't have to set them up in order to get started.


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