[ltp] Lucent modem driver

Eric Bentley linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:19:44

>>>On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Eric Bentley wrote:
>>>> Lucent has made there latest binary only driver available at
>>  www.linmodems.org. 
>>>>  It is version 5.68.  It should work with the 380/390/570 and 600
>>>>  series TPs
>>>>  with the Lucent chipset.  I do know about the i series TPs.
>After spending the better part of 2 hours on IBM's site - anyone got a
>model # mapping for TP600s and modem chipset?  I'm wondering about

Sorry, my mistake.  Only the 600X has the Lucent modem.  The others use the


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