[ltp] Cannot Install RH6.1 to new TP600E - hda not accessible??

Adrian Merwood linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 12:49:22 +0000

I have just been given a new TP600E to replace my trusty, but faulty,
700X.  I have a large NTFS (4Gb) C: primary partition followed by a 3Gb
FAT32 Logical D: drive.  I want to use the rest as a temporary linux
setup until I can get hold of a second disk.

I used ServerMagic to partition the remainder of the disk creating 2
logical swap partitions + a 2GBish EXT2 partition.

If I then boot from RH6.1 CD the disk does not seem to get
detected......ok specify some disk geometry via hda=xxxx,yy,zzz.  I used
the numbers reported by Powerquests PartInfo utility under NT without
much success so I then took the numbers directly off of the drive.  I
can see the kernel message listing the partition info.......but when the
time comes to run Disk Druid I just receive a message that the partition
table of /dev/hda cannot be accessed.

Am I looking at a disk druid problem or a TP600E bios problem here - I
am running the latest 1.08 (level 28) bios.



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