[ltp] Linux-2.2.16 and VMware

Robert Hajime Lanning linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 09:22:40 -0700 (PDT)

I am runing Slackware 7.0 with the kernel upgraded to 2.2.16 on a Thinkpad
600X.  I run VMware 2.0.0 on it with the Guest OS as W2K and W98.  I don't
have NT 4.0 running at the moment.  I haven't had any problem.  It may be
just NT4.

---- As written by Markus Alt:
> Friedemann Baitinger wrote:
> > 
> > since VMware was mentioned lately quite a few times I think it's
> > probably worthwhile to mention the experiences I made with it in
> > conjunction with linux-2.2.16:
> > 
> > After I had upraded 3 of my Linux servers with 2.2.16 shortly after that
> > kernel came out I finally decided to upgrade the ThinkPad (RH
> > 6.2) too. It worked all fine until I started VMware running NT 4.0 as a
> > guest. As soon as the NT tried to connect through host-only networking
> > to some other host the machine died so badly that NT's disk was totaly
> > corrupted. The hang was consistently reproducable but only when
> > connected to a TokenRing network. In my Ehthernet LAN it worked fine. In
> > the course of investigating I have also upgraded to the latest version
> > of the VMware distribution, Version 2.0.1 but it wasn't any better with
> > this version. Since the NT's disk file consistently crashed so badly
> > that I had to restore a backup (fortunately I had one) I finally went
> > back to 2.2.14 on the ThinkPad and everything works just fine as it did
> > before.
> Unfortunately I must confirm this. Installed SuSE 7.0 (i.e. kernel
> 2.2.16) a week ago on my TP 600X and now configured VMware (2.0.2-621)
> with NT 4.0 as guest. Everything was fine, as long as the machine was
> not connected to the network, e.g. at home. At work, when connected to
> the Token Ring network, the machine got stuck shortly after booting the
> guest OS in VMware, right when the NT login window came up and NT tried
> to set up its network connection, I suppose.
> And yes, it also did crash my NT partition ... :-( I wasn't able to boot
> NT native afterwards. Luckily I've made a backup yesterday.
> > Is anybody successfully using a ThinkPad 770X with Linux-2.2.16 and
> > VMware 2.0.1 with NT 4.0 as a guest OS and doing host-only networking
> > through a Token Ring network? If you plan to do so, and in fact whenever
> > you make significant changes to the setup, I'd like to strongly suggest
> > to make a backup of VMware's guest OS disk file.
> I'd like to ask the same question, but for all types of TP. Is there
> anybody who has this setup up and running?
> Markus
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/* Robert Hajime Lanning                             lanning@lanning.cc
** Trade: Unix Systems Administrator (Senior level)
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