[ltp] problems w/ suspend and a TP600

Brian Lalor linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 11:58:40 -0400 (EDT)

In poor form, I'm replying to my own message. :-)

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Brian Lalor wrote:

> Hey all.  I'm sure this is an FAQ, but I'm not having any luck finding the
> authoritative source on the 'net.  (where's the archive for this list,
> anyway?)

Found it, although it seems to have not have accessible data since around
June of last year...

> I'm having difficulty getting a grip on APM with my new TP600.  I've seen
> mention that you can't suspend if you're using a PCMCIA e'net card and
> have the AC power plugged in.  Is that still the case?  I'm running RedHat
> 7.0 with kernel 2.2.17, apmd-3.0final, and the pcmcia-cs that came with
> kernel-2.2.17-14 (3.1.20?).

It would seem that I can't suspend/hibernate when X is active on a VC.  If
I hit Alt-Ctl-F1 and close the lid, I'm in good shape.  I don't know if
apmd is set up to eject cards before a suspend, but if I do a manual
"cardctl eject" before closing the lid, the machine will suspend and
resume normally.

> What happens when I:
> * close the cover
> * hit Fn-F3
> * hit Fn-F4
> * hit Fn-F12

Still confused about this; there's apparently user suspends and system
suspends, etc.  What's the difference?  How are each initiated?

B r i a n  L a l o r                         blalor@hcirisc.cs.binghamton.edu
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