[ltp] Linux on Thinkpad 770 - NOT

Brad Langhorst linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Sat, 21 Apr 2001 13:25:08 -0400

On Saturday 21 April 2001 12:22 pm, you wrote:
> Am an experienced computer user (built my own Cromemco, started with Apple
> ][ (not Plus)) who happens to have two TP770's, and was planning on putting
> Linux on a spare drive until I read the great stuff about frying
> motherboards because of the lm_sensor problem. Can we spell 'bad press'?
don't be put off.
I find my 770E to be FAR mor stable running linux than any version of windows 
(2000 included).

The most telling bit for me is the fact that I can suspend and resume the 
machine about 100 times before having to reboot (for some reason like wanting 
to watch a DVD or having to install more memory or something.)

Forge ahead! - we're here to help you out if you run into trouble.

I'd suggest debian over redhat though - its easier to maintain (even if it is 
a little tougher to start with).

good luck!


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