[ltp] Trying to get a replacement battery from IBM!
Brad Langhorst
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 10:31:18 -0400
Man - what a hassle!
I would have bought it for you and shipped it to you...
xtend has the EXACT same batttery as the OEM one and much cheaper...
On Tuesday 24 April 2001 10:08 am, you wrote:
> Th thought I would send this off to the list, cos it would give people a
> laugh.
> All I am trying to do is to order a replacement battery for my thinkpad
> 770X pretty easy huh? NO!
> So lets navigate the horribly layed out web site in the UK.... and
> rubbish phone support, try finding this yourself.....
> OK I End up at!
> http://www.pc.ibm.com/qtechinfo/TJEK-3QZTZJ.html?lang=en_UK&page=brand&bran
> Ah ha the part number is 83H6738
> Continuing going though web site again
> http://www2.de.ibm.com/en_GB/machineframe_ibm_thinkpad_217_0.html?ThinkPad_
> Ah... lets look here damn no "add to cart" option Dang!
> Lets look somewhere else
> Ok found it somewhere else
> http://www5.pc.ibm.com/uk/products.nsf/aa85307080a89ec38525667b004d6adf/1bf
> and the price is 200 quid ok expensivve but Ok I guess...
> Now I phone shop not heard of that part, yes right it came right off the
> web site, get put though lots of people, ah you need 12JU0433 Hmm ok...
> get put though to someone else That will be 500 pounds! WHAT THE ....!
> Click as phone goes down.
> Ok check US web site experience
> Got to http://www.ibm.com
> enter 83H6738 and search
> chick on first link
> http://commerce.www.ibm.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=20186&
> Chick on add to cart
> price 232 dollars 165 pounds...
> Damn can't proceed cos I am in the UK with a third world web site!
> As to the continution suppliers what a joke they are in the US, delivery
> 50 dollars to the UK, And don't accept international orders over 150
> dollars So have to do an electronic fund transfer that costs another 50
> dollars! so igo.com list the battery for 169 dollars and it costs 100
> dollars to get it here.... and even then its a CLONE!
> Is this all some bad ibm joke!
> Summary Web site in US perfect, Web in UK, rubbish!
> James
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