[ltp] ALSA driver and tpctl - without recompiling.
Luis Antolín Cano
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 12:42:07 +0200 (CEST)
I'm using a TP600 with RedHat 7.0 (kernel 2.2.16-22) and that big
virus from Microsoft in another partition.
I would like to use ALSA driver and tpctl.
So, my problem is that I have little space left in my HD. I have read
about re-compiling the kernel and so, and AFAIK the directory structure
takes about 70Mb. I don't have that space, nor I want to go through all
that process if I can avoid it.
But the problem is that ALSA and tpclt seem to need to recompile the
kernel for be installed.
Do you know if there is a way to install ALSA and/or tpclt without
the /usr/scr/linux structure?
Thanks for your help.
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