[ltp] Re: suspend/resume & sound on A22p
Dirk Husemann
23 Aug 2001 10:45:43 +0200
>>>>> "l" == linux-thinkpad <linux-thinkpad@merctech.com> writes:
l> I'm setting up Linux (RH 7.1, kernel 2.4.5) on a ThinkPad A22p, and I've got a
l> couple of issues with the APM suspend/resume and sound:
l> the machine "suspends" fine, but it doesn't resume completely--
l> after a suspend, the LCD backlight will come on, and the hard drive
l> will power up, but there's no keyboard response, no display, no
l> ability to switch to a virtual console
l> sound works...but it seems to depend upon either the KDE "artsd" daemon
l> running or having a mixer application running
l> Any suggestions? I'm particularly interested in kernel config files and any
l> modifications to /etc/sysconfig/apmd and /etc/sysconfig/apm-scripts to get the
l> suspend/resume working correctly.
Don't know whether this will help or not (since I've only tried it on
a T21 and a Ti1460), with newer versions of pcmcia-cs and XFree86 I
found that I don't actually need apmd at all---I disabled it and
resume/suspend has been working just fine.
Dr. Dirk Husemann, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
Email: hud@zurich.ibm.com ----------- WWW: http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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